Thursday 26 November 2015

The last performance

    We were at the hall since 1 pm to prepare for our props and the costumes. After all the preparations and the last dance practice, we sat there patiently while looking at other groups' performances namely Khadazan's traditonal dance and other ethnics' skits. Finally, it was our turn.

    Our friends in other teams cheered for us when sir announced it was our turn to perform. We then walked up the stage nervously. One of our teammate, Joyce gave a short introduction about our performance which was Murut Warriors Dance. It is a victorious dance for Muruts to celebrate the return of their warriors from a headhunting raid.

    Since there's an unequal number of male and female members in our team. We allocated 2 guys and 2 girls which are Kai Yuan, Theng Shen, Jorene and Ai Wei to be the male warriors, whereas Shu Yi, Yii Ling, Francisca and Andrea be the female maidens. At the beginning of the dance, it was pretty awkward as we only previously practiced to an empty hall and the music was hardly to be heard. After some time, we enjoyed ourselves and danced joyously with the rhythm as we really wanted this to be a success. The deafening thunder at the very last end caused us to lost count as we planned to have synchronized stomp at last beat. Honestly, we were quite disappointed to the lost count at that moment, but, thankfully our friends in the other teams cheered for us! This has certainly taught us to understand life is not always smooth sailing and we shouldn't allow little hiccups in life to drag us down.

    As quoted by Claire Tomalin, enjoying the whole process of learning and was always happy when autumn came and college started up again. We were so happy to be in a team as we spent time together after class and laughed at each other. It was a memorable experience because we are closer to each other and we are given a chance to experience Murut culture. Through the module, we can see that Muruts are very proud of their gallant warriors' heroic contributions to the tribe as well as realizing the importance of fights in Murut culture in maintaining the tribe's dignity. We would be happy to perform and be a team again.

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