Monday 16 November 2015

Introduction to the Murut Ethnic

    1. Total Population: 120,000

    2. Geographical Distribution: 

    • Sabah: Southeasthern parts of Sabah (Keningau, Tenom, Nabawan, Pensiangan and along Sapulut river and Padas river)
    • Sarawak: Lawas, Limbang

    3. Languages Spoken: Tagol Murut, Malay and English 

    4. Religions: Christian, Islam and Animism 

    5. Occupations: Fishermen, hunters and farmers

    6. Descendancy: Austronesian 

    7. Musical Instruments: Agung, Tangkung, gong and bamboo 


    8. Traditional Clothing
    • Men: Jacket made of tree bark, red loincloth, headdress decorated with Argus pheasant feathers. 
    • Women: Black sleeveless blouse and sarong. Clothing are decorated with distinctive beadwork, and belts are made out of old silver coins. Another belt is hung loosely around the waist, made of red, yellow and blue glass beads.
    9. FestivalKalimaran - Murut Festival

    Fun fact: Head's plays a big role in Murut beliefs. If a man wishes to marry a girl, he must present at least 1 head of a person he hunted to the girl's family. 

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