Thursday 26 November 2015

Conclusion and Self reflection

                  MPU classes has helped us to understand more about the cultures and arts of the different ethnic groups in Malaysia and the importance of preserving them. MPU gave us an opportunity to know more about the cultural heritages, ancestries, histories and other symbolic systems of different ethnic groups. We had to do assignments including presentation, performance and blog posts about the culture in Malaysia. These are the things that we learned from the MPU classes.

                  Firstly, each group had to choose a different ethnic group and we chose the Muruts. This has given us a chance to know more about their cultures other than ours. Muruts are the third largest indigenous group in Sabah and the literal meaning for Murut is 'hill people'. Murut's heritage is most prominently exhibited in its diverse music and dance forms. Hence, we chose to perform the Murut Warrior Dance.Throughout  the preparations and dance practices, we have learned the cultural roots of the dance and had a great time performing on stage.

                   Malaysia is a multi racial country consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and numerous indigenous people. Through MPU classes, we have a newfound perspective about the ethnic groups on Malaysia. Minor ethnic groups such as Kelabit, Melanau and Bajau aren't given as much attention as the major ones like Malays, Indians and Chinese. Through the MPU classes, it can be seen that the traditions of these minor groups are more preserved compared to the major groups. Nowadays, some of the ethnic groups are more modernized and begin to forget their traditions after many generations. Hence, the spirit of the minor groups in practicing their cultural heritages should be followed and appreciated.

                  Moreover, the MPU classes are also a bonding session among our teammates. Every group discussion we had while completing our assignments acts as a catalyst that makes us understand each other better. We also have to take turns to write a new blog post. This certainly builds our team spirit as we are working towards the same target and did our best to contribute to the group. Therefore, we learned to appreciate our teammates.

                  In a nutshell, MPU has been an interesting journey to all of us. We learned about the traditional cultures and arts and the consequences of not preserving them. If we don't make the effort to preserve the cultures and arts of the ethnic groups in Malaysia, the next generation wouldn't have the opportunity to experience the beauty of tradition as the culture is the soul of an ethnic group. In short, we think MPU classes should be continued.


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