Monday 23 November 2015

Importance of Cultural Heritage

    Culture is defined as the language, beliefs, values, and norms that combine to make up the way of life of a society. Art is categorized into visual art and performing arts. The population of Muruts in Sabah is small as compared to the other ethnics, such as Chinese, Indians, and the Malays, but this is not a excuse to forget their culture. In fact, this gives us a reason to strive to preserve their unique culture. What people often see is merely the surface of their culture, but their culture and traditions more than just clothing and dances. If we do not pass down their culture to our children, it will be lost sooner or later. The traditional dances and music are used as congratulatory messages, to welcome, criticise and express sorrow and sympathy.

    Festivals attract people from afar, and serve as the focal point of unity. They are occasionally used for communing with Gods, planning of development of projects, settlement of chieftaincy, clan, family or interpersonal disputes. Each ethnic celebrates festivals in order to portray the culture of people and to teach the youth the need to preserve their cultural heritage.

    Besides, the presence of art and culture brings together the current and previous generation. They can share the values within their ethnic through their traditions and culture. Through this, they can understand the culture and art that has been passed on from generation to generation. 

    Moreover, art and culture enhances the community engagement and participation. People who work in arts-specific facilities contribute to the existence of theaters, arenas, museums and galleries. These places act as the recreation center of the local community and gathering spots for families and friends. 

    In short, by preserving the ethnic's cultural heritage, strong relationships can be fostered among the ethnic, increasing the survivability of the ethnic. Thus, the young generation should be encouraged to participate in the ethnic's traditional culture, so that these culture will not be lost in time.

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